About Te Kiri Gold
The Science of Hypochlorous Acid
As long ago as 1800, researchers in electricity realised that if you ran an electrical current through a solution of pure salt water and put a porous divider between the two compartments (designated “positive” and “negative”), that you could isolate different solutions in each compartment.
The key to the manufacturing process is the composition of the divider itself. It must allow very small molecules to pass in only one direction, so that the solutions on either side are perfectly pure.
Electrochemical Activation subsequently became a new field of scientific endeavour.
It was distinguished from electrolysis with the development of special patented diaphragmatic cells. Unlike other electrolytic cells, these diaphragmatic cells prevent the two solutions from mixing and interacting.
Electrochemically activated Hypochlorous Acid is one of the two pure solutions produced in this process. It is pure Hypochlorous Acid, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE, OR COMMON BLEACH.
The key to the manufacturing process is the composition of the divider itself. It must allow very small molecules to pass in only one direction, so that the solutions on either side are perfectly pure.
Electrochemical Activation subsequently became a new field of scientific endeavour.
It was distinguished from electrolysis with the development of special patented diaphragmatic cells. Unlike other electrolytic cells, these diaphragmatic cells prevent the two solutions from mixing and interacting.
Electrochemically activated Hypochlorous Acid is one of the two pure solutions produced in this process. It is pure Hypochlorous Acid, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE, OR COMMON BLEACH.
There is a substantial body of published research, in peerreviewed journals, describing and documenting the use internally of Hyphochlorous Acid to help many human conditions.
Reference 3: The Treating of Patients in U.S.A. using Anolyte, C,tholyte and Non-Contact Activated Liquid (NAL). HYPERLINK "http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/sb43-3e.htm" http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/sb43-3e.htm
Reference 4: Guidelines on Use of Activated Water for Medical Purposes. HYPERLINK "http://izumrud.com.ru/ eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12" http://izumrud.com.ru/eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12. Once on the “Articles” page, click: “Electrochemical Purification of Water”
Reference 4: Guidelines on Use of Activated Water for Medical Purposes. HYPERLINK "http://izumrud.com.ru/ eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12" http://izumrud.com.ru/eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12. Once on the “Articles” page, click: “Electrochemical Purification of Water”
The molecular activation of this process is what gives Hypochlorous Acid the ability to penetrate human tissues and to have the effects that it does. Activation physically changes the molecular arrangement of the solutionʼs water molecules, which enhances penetrability of the Hypochlorous Acid greatly.
Reference 5: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. The Mechanism of Action of Anti-Microbial Action of Electrochemically Activated (ECA) Water and Its Healthcare Applications. 2009. https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/25448/complete.pdf
The chemical properties were perfected for human use, both externally and internally, over many years.
Reference 6: HYPERLINK "http://www.bakhir.com/ publications"www.bakhir.com/publications. From the Russian Literature, authored by the scientist who developed the original technology
Electrochemically Activated Hypochlorous Acid has been repeatedly subject to chemical analyses, which are publicly available as Medical Safety Data Sheets.
There are no known Toxicological health hazards and it is known to be “Generally Regarded as Safe”, with an LD50 greater than 20,000 mg/kg.
It has the odour of mild chlorine and ozone due to the activation process, which poses no human hazard., but is why people can sometimes mistake it for Chlorine.
There are no known Toxicological health hazards and it is known to be “Generally Regarded as Safe”, with an LD50 greater than 20,000 mg/kg.
It has the odour of mild chlorine and ozone due to the activation process, which poses no human hazard., but is why people can sometimes mistake it for Chlorine.
Reference 7: Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd. MSD Sheets. Halfway House, 1685,South Africa. Revision 4, May 2013. Pages 1-2.
Hypochlorous Acid is manufactured and stored in human Immune Cells, in T Lymphocytes and neutrophils, by way of the Myeloperoxidase chemical pathway. It is added to every engulfed foreign invader. The universal presence of Hypochlorous Acid in every animal and person, is behind its safety and lack of toxicity.
Reference 8: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypochlorous_acid
The immune system is designed to patrol and eliminate mistakes in cell division, but the progeny of these abnormal cell divisions have developed a means of self-protection in that they disrupt the normal messaging systems that inform the host that there is a problem.
That disruption in messaging is currently the best theory as to how these abnormal cells do what they do, and how they avoid detection in the first place.
That disruption in messaging is currently the best theory as to how these abnormal cells do what they do, and how they avoid detection in the first place.
Reference 9: Kaoud, H.A. www.euroassays.org. volume 2 (2) 1-6.
Ideally, one would perfect the process of cell division so that no mistakes, or mutations, occurred. Mathematically, this is impossible.
Strengthening the immune system is another good idea, but there's the remaining problem of glycolysis and the generation and maintenance of an acidic local environment— Indeed, scientist Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel Prizes for his observations of this effect over 100 years ago, since called the Warburg Effect.
Consider if Hypochlorous Acid was used to introduce more of the very chemical that the immune system uses in the first place? That could help in two ways.
First, Hypochlorous Acid accepts electrons (negative charges) from cells that have an excess, as is the case with the surfaces of mutated or foreign cells. As such, it “reverses oxidation” which is unfavourable for the continued integrity of these cells.
Strengthening the immune system is another good idea, but there's the remaining problem of glycolysis and the generation and maintenance of an acidic local environment— Indeed, scientist Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel Prizes for his observations of this effect over 100 years ago, since called the Warburg Effect.
Consider if Hypochlorous Acid was used to introduce more of the very chemical that the immune system uses in the first place? That could help in two ways.
First, Hypochlorous Acid accepts electrons (negative charges) from cells that have an excess, as is the case with the surfaces of mutated or foreign cells. As such, it “reverses oxidation” which is unfavourable for the continued integrity of these cells.
Reference 10: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. op.cit. page 96.
Even though it is called Hypochlorous Acid, its acidity, or pH, is easily adjusted to a higher (alkaline) value.
In tissues, this raises the pH in the environment back to neutral, or slightly basic, which the human organism prefers. A pH of 7.4 is considered “neutral” and is ideal for human health.
By accepting electrons, or negative charges, from the positively charged (oxidised ) abnormal cell, it causes those abnormal cells to become “destabilised and leaky, and the loss of membrane integrity ultimately results in cell death.
In tissues, this raises the pH in the environment back to neutral, or slightly basic, which the human organism prefers. A pH of 7.4 is considered “neutral” and is ideal for human health.
By accepting electrons, or negative charges, from the positively charged (oxidised ) abnormal cell, it causes those abnormal cells to become “destabilised and leaky, and the loss of membrane integrity ultimately results in cell death.
Reference 11: Suslow, T.V. (2004). Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring, Control, and Documentation, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8149.
Predictably, when the tissue environment is favourable again, the immune system comes again to life and does what it was designed to do - protect us from mutations, foreign invaders, and the inflammation they cause.
Secondly, being the killer chemical in every immune cell's arsenal, it has a direct “anti-enemy” effect.
Regardless of the target, Hypochlorous Acid disrupts the opponent's cell membrane stability, affects the stability of its intracellular environment, and interferes with the messaging of the invader's communication network.
Secondly, being the killer chemical in every immune cell's arsenal, it has a direct “anti-enemy” effect.
Regardless of the target, Hypochlorous Acid disrupts the opponent's cell membrane stability, affects the stability of its intracellular environment, and interferes with the messaging of the invader's communication network.
Reference 12: HYPERLINK "http://www.rese,rchg,te.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud"www.researchgate.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud. May, 2016.
Reference 13: Kaoud, H A. HYPERLINK "http://www.euroessays.org/"www.euroessays.org. Volume 2 (2) 1-6: 2015.
Reference 13: Kaoud, H A. HYPERLINK "http://www.euroessays.org/"www.euroessays.org. Volume 2 (2) 1-6: 2015.
Te Kiri Gold, May 2018
Reference 3: The Treating of Patients in U.S.A. using Anolyte, Catholyte and Non-Contact Activated Liquid (NAL). HYPERLINK "http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/
sb43-3e.htm" http://ikar.udm.ru/sb/sb43-3e.htm
Reference 4: Guidelines on Use of Activated Water for Medical Purposes. HYPERLINK "http://izumrud.com.ru/ eng/articles/ech,. Pages 1-12" http://izumrud.com.ru/eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12
Reference 5: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. The Mech,nism of Action of Anti-Microbial Action of Electrochemically Activated (ECA) Water and Its Healthcare Applications. 2009. https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/25448/complete.pdf. 271 pages.
Reference 6: HYPERLINK. "http://www.bakhir.com/ publications"www.bakhir.com/publications. From the Russian Literature, authored by the scientist who developed the original technology
Reference 7: Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd. MSD Sheets. Halfway House, 1685, South Africa. Revision 4, May 2013. Pages 1-2.
Reference 8: Hypochlorous Acid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hypochlorous_acid
Reference 9: Kaoud, H.A www.euroassays.org. volume 2 (2) 1-6.
Reference 10: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. op.cit. page 96.
Reference 11: Suslow, T.V. (2004). Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring, Control, and Documentation, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8149.
Reference 12: Kaoud, H.A. HYPERLINK "http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud"www.researchgate.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud. May, 2016. 1-13.
Reference 13 : Kaoud, H A. HYPERLINK "http://www.euroessays.org/"www.euroessays.org. Volume 2 (2) 1-6: 2015.
Reference 4: Guidelines on Use of Activated Water for Medical Purposes. HYPERLINK "http://izumrud.com.ru/ eng/articles/ech,. Pages 1-12" http://izumrud.com.ru/eng/articles/echa. Pages 1-12
Reference 5: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. The Mech,nism of Action of Anti-Microbial Action of Electrochemically Activated (ECA) Water and Its Healthcare Applications. 2009. https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/25448/complete.pdf. 271 pages.
Reference 6: HYPERLINK. "http://www.bakhir.com/ publications"www.bakhir.com/publications. From the Russian Literature, authored by the scientist who developed the original technology
Reference 7: Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd. MSD Sheets. Halfway House, 1685, South Africa. Revision 4, May 2013. Pages 1-2.
Reference 8: Hypochlorous Acid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hypochlorous_acid
Reference 9: Kaoud, H.A www.euroassays.org. volume 2 (2) 1-6.
Reference 10: Robin Duncan Kirkpatrick. PhD Thesis. op.cit. page 96.
Reference 11: Suslow, T.V. (2004). Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring, Control, and Documentation, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8149.
Reference 12: Kaoud, H.A. HYPERLINK "http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud"www.researchgate.net/profile/Hussein_Kaoud. May, 2016. 1-13.
Reference 13 : Kaoud, H A. HYPERLINK "http://www.euroessays.org/"www.euroessays.org. Volume 2 (2) 1-6: 2015.